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7 posts tagged with "python"

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Essential modules for developing applications with FastAPI (P6 - Monitoring)

· 5 min read
Bach Pham
Software Engineer

Hello, FastAPI and I are here to see you again. Over the past week, I started onboarding at a new company, joined a new environment, and met new people, which made me really excited.

Getting straight to today's main topic, I will introduce a module that integrates with FastAPI, which helps us track the statistics of each API in the application.

Destructuring in Python

· 7 min read
Bach Pham
Software Engineer

Hello, are you learning Python? Does your job involve using Python? If so, you will find this article quite interesting 😉.

This article is largely inspired by the destructuring assignment in JavaScript. While working with JavaScript, I became greatly fascinated with the destructuring assignment syntax in JavaScript, and I needed it in my Python code.

Essential modules for developing applications with FastAPI (P1 - Migration)

· 5 min read
Bach Pham
Software Engineer

Today, I say “Hi FastAPI”.

Recently, FastAPI has become increasingly popular, partly driven by the current trend of AI innovation. In my opinion, being modern, robust, fast, and micro is what makes me fall in love with this framework.

This post comes with some modules that you will want to have in your project.